Everything you need to know about CentreFest Red Deer!
Still have questions?
Reach out to us at: info@centrefest.ca
Street performing or busking is an ancient form of entertainment. It is a style like no other. Street performers are that rare breed of entertainer in search of the best place or “pitch” to perform their art.
They set up and create a show where there was nothing but the street. They gather passers by, and turn them into an audience. The street performer then presents a full show, usually with an amazing finale. All with no guarantee of getting paid, but because the performer has made a connection with the audience, people voluntarily put bills into the performer's hat. It's truly the most honest form of entertainment in the world. Audience participation is the key to being a successful street performer.
Buskers can be dancers, mimes, artists, clowns, magicians, musicians, puppeteers, snake charmers, jugglers, acrobats, sword swallowers, tumblers, living statues, comedians, and more!
No form of entertainment is more diverse and eclectic than street performing. A good busker draws upon the audience, adapting to his or her surroundings. No two shows are ever the same, which makes street performing a truly unique form of entertainment.
What is a street performer?
All over the world. Depending on their motivation, street performers travel the globe, "following the sun" with their impromptu performances. Performers at CentreFest have come from Canada, Spain, Australia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, America, Mexico, Germany and many more.
Even Red Deer! (Think: Spandy Andy)
Where do they come from?
What don’t they do? From juggling, acrobatics, fire breathing, comedy and so much more. The list is way too long to print here! Check out the Gallery Page and see amazing pictures of our artists from past years doing what they do best!
What do they do?
Downtown Red Deer on Ross Street
July 26-27, 2025
Noon - 6:00 PM
Where? When?
Entry is by donation! It’s up to you how much you pay. Street performers earn their living by “passing the hat”. So when you enjoy their performance, let them know with your toonies and bills. Change is available at the Change Exchange tent.
How much?
Street performers’ “pitches”, Circus World, Water World, Street Market, food vendors, and roving entertainment.
Portable washrooms are available on site. There’s also a ‘Change Exchange’ tent if you require change to "put in the hats”.
Emergency first-aid services are available.
What's on-site?
Public street parking is available all around the site and is FREE on Saturdays and Sundays.
Parking & access
Sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, and comfortable footwear are in high fashion at CentreFest. You may also wish to bring a folding chair for additional comfort!
Asphalt and concrete can be very hot – too hot for paws. We strongly encourage you to leave your pets at home where they will be more comfortable.
Bicycles must be walked and skateboards carried while enjoying CentreFest.
Warning: If your cell phone rings during a show you may be shamed mercilessly. Please turn off your cell phone during performances.
CentreFest is open to the public. The all-ages event is wheelchair accessible. Entrance is free, but your donations help keep CentreFest alive. All performances are in the “pass the hat” tradition – so bring your Toonies and bills. Change is available on site.
Drink lots of water. Time flies while you are being entertained, and because the weather is typically very dry and hot for CentreFest, we recommend that you do everything possible to stay hydrated. Refillable water bottles are available for sale, on-site at Water World or bring your own waterbottle that can be refilled by donation.
Refrain from smoking in crowds, be respectful of the other festival visitors.
Please refrain from blocking doorways to businesses. We don’t want to block customers from getting into their favourite downtown businesses.
Watch for roving performers. They will be wandering around the site and can be seen throughout the festival.
Unauthorized busking is not allowed on site. CentreFest is a fully curated festival. If you want to take part in the activities of CentreFest, please email info@centrefest.ca.
What else should I know?